Nothing could be more rewarding than cashing in a one- or two-dollar lottery ticket for a million-dollar jackpot.
You only have to scan the daily tabloids or internet search engine listings to know that everyone and their dog possesses some unique method of busting the odds or predicting the winning numbers of any lottery in the world.
In spite of the enormous odds, and regardless of the type of prize you are seeking to win, you can always depend on three universal principles1 or 'laws' every time you play lotto - anywhere, anytime.
The most important of the three 'laws' is this...
Lottery Numbers Are Totally Random
Lotto is a game of chance based on a random selection of numbers. It is not possible to consistently and reliably predict a random event. Full stop. End of story.
... grasp this concept, and you are well on your way to lotto success.
Consequently, do not concern yourself with coupon patterns, 'hot' numbers, frequency statistics or other implausible good luck charms. Although interesting, these 'systems' have absolutely no bearing on your ability to predict the winning numbers, nor your chances of winning a prize. A random selection of numbers can not, by definition, form a pattern.
I am yet to see any computer system or software package that can reliably and consistently predict the winning numbers of any lottery in the world. It just can't be done, nor will it ever be possible. To this end, any product that claims to analyze patterns in actual lottery results or help you predict the winning numbers of your favorite lottery is a scam.
Now, if you just heard yourself say "No they're not," don't bother reading on - you're fooling yourself, and I don't want to waste your time any further.
By all means, go ahead and have fun using these products to choose your weekly numbers. Just never bet your house on them.
So, what IS the most effective way to pick the winning numbers?
The answer is simple. Anyway you choose.
Your choice of selections has absolutely no bearing on the numbers which will be drawn this week, or any week for that matter. To suggest otherwise is to appear gullible and stupid.
If you want to know, I always choose my numbers randomly (it's a function of the winlottosystems wheeling software I use) because it's easy, and I don't have to think.
Never Change Your Numbers?
This advice is dispensed about as frequently as a new system for picking this week's lucky numbers is announced.
But seriously, should you change your numbers, or stick with the same numbers all the time (in case they are drawn)? It's a good question, and one that vexes more lotto players than they care to admit.
Every successful lotto player I know has two very strong points to make in this regard:
- Lottery numbers are RANDOM, so it doesn't matter if you change your numbers or not;
and - If you are inclined to remember numbers, you are advised to change your numbers often (so as to avoid the anguish of seeing a set of numbers you used to play come up this week).
Now, For Some Fun
Below is a list of techniques and strategies that I know some of my most eccentric customers have used over the years to select their weekly 'lucky' numbers. They are fun, unique and often crazy, but there's one thing I can say about them - they are no more effective at predicting the winning numbers than me chewing bubble gum to solve algebra!
- An elderly gentleman would hide a large number of tennis balls in his backyard, and then call on his faithful dog to fetch them, one at a time as he marked his coupon.
- A woman I once knew would place a piece of paper (with the numbers of her favourite lottery written all over it) on the bottom tray of her pet budgie's cage and choose those numbers which were 'hit' by the bird's droppings!
- Many people use a familiar bingo ball or similar 'barrel' to pick their numbers.
- Some resort to throwing darts at a dart board with the numbers of their favourite lottery marked on a piece of paper attached to the front.
- A neighbour would often swing at a series of numbered golf balls, and those resting closest to the 'pin' would be his week's lucky numbers!
I imagine for many people, I may have also challenged you to reconsider the efficacy of the latest lottery number picking system (or software) you recently devised or invested in.
If so, my advice is this...
... ask for your money back, and stick to something more FUN and certainly RANDOM!
Discover a FOOL-PROOF STRATEGY that unleashes the random nature of lotto to win, today!
To your never-ending win streak,
Professor Will