Friday, 1 October 2010

How To Easily WIN Bigger & More Frequent Lottery Prizes

The odds of winning the multi-million dollar lottery prize are so prohibitive, very few people are ever likely to win it.

But, as revealed in 'Win BIG By Winning Small First,' the ONLY WAY to win the big one is to adopt a strategy that wins the smaller prizes ...

... because it MOTIVATES you to keep chasing that elusive dream.

Here are four strategies every expert follows to effortlessly win a never-ending series of cash prizes, week after week after week...

Strategy #1 - Play The Smaller Lotteries

Today, lotto players can choose to enter a wide variety of lotteries all over the world. Do your research, and purchase tickets in those lotteries which:
  • Attract less entries - this way, you share the prize pool with fewer people.
  • Use a smaller pool of numbers - the less numbers to choose from, the easier it is to win a prize, any prize.
  • Cost the least to play per game / ticket - this way, your dollar can purchase many more chances to win a prize.
Strategy #2 - Pick Your Own Numbers

Never buy a 'Quick-Pick' or agency random-generated ticket.

Research indicates that lotto players who pick their own numbers (no matter what method they use) are always more successful than those who purchase the popular 'Quick-Pick' style tickets at their lotto agency.

Why is this so, you may ask, when the number are randomly selected during the Draw? Because, if you look carefully, it is rare for a computer generated 'Quick-Pick' style lottery ticket to actually cover all of the total pool of numbers, which immediately puts you at a disadvantage. In theory, random-generated tickets are supposed to cover all of the numbers, but they rarely do.

Still not convinced? How many lotto players do you know that win BIG and frequently use 'Quick-Pick' tickets? None? There's your answer.

Stay tuned, as I'll describe why this happens in another posting...

Strategy #3 - Pick Numbers Higher Than 31

A very large proportion of lotto players choose birth-dates (you know, 1 to 31) belonging to their family and friends to determine their 'lucky' numbers. Now, there's nothing wrong with that, but I can guarantee that whenever the drawn winning numbers are mostly, if not all below 31, the prize dividends will ALWAYS be smaller.

So if you want larger prizes when you do win, pick numbers above 31 - you'll be sure to share the total prize pool with significantly fewer people.

Strategy #4 - Form A Syndicate

Dollar for dollar, every lotto player has the exact same chance as another of winning a lotto prize. But, logic clearly suggests that if you spend more dollars, you'll have more chances. These are two of the three immutable laws of lotto (the third is that the numbers are drawn randomly).

So, join with a group (or syndicate) of co-workers or friends, and pool your collective weekly lotto spend to get more "bang for your buck." Studies have shown that the odds certainly favour those lotto players who pool their funds with others to share in the cost of what would ordinarily be an expensive set of lotto ticket(s).

Okay. Got it?

Click this link to UNLOCK A TREASURE TROVE of cash prizes that most lotto players leave on the table.

To your never-ending win streak,

Professor Will

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

REVEALED! The Most EFFECTIVE Way To Pick Winning Numbers

When you consider the potential multi-million dollar fortunes on offer, picking your lotto numbers can seem like a complicated and stressful affair.

Nothing could be more rewarding than cashing in a one- or two-dollar lottery ticket for a million-dollar jackpot.

You only have to scan the daily tabloids or internet search engine listings to know that everyone and their dog possesses some unique method of busting the odds or predicting the winning numbers of any lottery in the world.

In spite of the enormous odds, and regardless of the type of prize you are seeking to win, you can always depend on three universal principles1 or 'laws' every time you play lotto - anywhere, anytime.

The most important of the three 'laws' is this...

Lottery Numbers Are Totally Random

Lotto is a game of chance based on a random selection of numbers. It is not possible to consistently and reliably predict a random event. Full stop. End of story.

... grasp this concept, and you are well on your way to lotto success.

Consequently, do not concern yourself with coupon patterns, 'hot' numbers, frequency statistics or other implausible good luck charms. Although interesting, these 'systems' have absolutely no bearing on your ability to predict the winning numbers, nor your chances of winning a prize. A random selection of numbers can not, by definition, form a pattern.

I am yet to see any computer system or software package that can reliably and consistently predict the winning numbers of any lottery in the world. It just can't be done, nor will it ever be possible. To this end, any product that claims to analyze patterns in actual lottery results or help you predict the winning numbers of your favorite lottery is a scam.

Now, if you just heard yourself say "No they're not," don't bother reading on - you're fooling yourself, and I don't want to waste your time any further.

By all means, go ahead and have fun using these products to choose your weekly numbers. Just never bet your house on them.

So, what IS the most effective way to pick the winning numbers?

The answer is simple. Anyway you choose.

Your choice of selections has absolutely no bearing on the numbers which will be drawn this week, or any week for that matter. To suggest otherwise is to appear gullible and stupid.

If you want to know, I always choose my numbers randomly (it's a function of the winlottosystems wheeling software I use) because it's easy, and I don't have to think.

Never Change Your Numbers?

This advice is dispensed about as frequently as a new system for picking this week's lucky numbers is announced.

But seriously, should you change your numbers, or stick with the same numbers all the time (in case they are drawn)? It's a good question, and one that vexes more lotto players than they care to admit.

Every successful lotto player I know has two very strong points to make in this regard:
  • Lottery numbers are RANDOM, so it doesn't matter if you change your numbers or not;
  • If you are inclined to remember numbers, you are advised to change your numbers often (so as to avoid the anguish of seeing a set of numbers you used to play come up this week).
For the record, the most successful lotto players I know change their numbers every 5 to 10 weeks, or so. Why? Just because they like to.

Now, For Some Fun

Below is a list of techniques and strategies that I know some of my most eccentric customers have used over the years to select their weekly 'lucky' numbers. They are fun, unique and often crazy, but there's one thing I can say about them - they are no more effective at predicting the winning numbers than me chewing bubble gum to solve algebra!
  • An elderly gentleman would hide a large number of tennis balls in his backyard, and then call on his faithful dog to fetch them, one at a time as he marked his coupon.
  • A woman I once knew would place a piece of paper (with the numbers of her favourite lottery written all over it) on the bottom tray of her pet budgie's cage and choose those numbers which were 'hit' by the bird's droppings!
  • Many people use a familiar bingo ball or similar 'barrel' to pick their numbers.
  • Some resort to throwing darts at a dart board with the numbers of their favourite lottery marked on a piece of paper attached to the front.
  • A neighbour would often swing at a series of numbered golf balls, and those resting closest to the 'pin' would be his week's lucky numbers!
So, there you go! I hope you have learned something today.

I imagine for many people, I may have also challenged you to reconsider the efficacy of the latest lottery number picking system (or software) you recently devised or invested in.

If so, my advice is this...

... ask for your money back, and stick to something more FUN and certainly RANDOM!

Discover a FOOL-PROOF STRATEGY that unleashes the random nature of lotto to win, today!

To your never-ending win streak,

Professor Will

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Three SIMPLE Strategies That Will Massively Leverage Your Ability To Trigger A Never-Ending WIN Streak

In this week's post, I want to reveal the three most compelling, logical and SUCCESSFUL strategies used by lotto players all over the world, all of whom have just one thing in common...

... they WIN cash prizes ALMOST EVERY WEEK.

Apply these very simple, yet mostly unknown strategies yourself, and you'll score the best odds possible to strike it rich too ...

 1. Randomly Pick Your Numbers

As I will reveal in a later post, it DOES NOT matter how you pick your weekly lottery numbers. Every research study ever conducted draws the same conclusion - the odds favour those lotto players who use a truly random method to choose their 'lucky' numbers.

Every major lottery in the world is a selection of randomly drawn numbers, so why bother trying to identify an inherent pattern, algorithm or some other implausible good-luck charm. By definition, you can't predict a random event. Therefore:
  • Do not seek or use lottery number 'tipping' or prediction services or software. They are a SCAM, and will waste your time and money.
  • Do not choose numbers that have been drawn previously - it is numerically possible that they may be drawn again, BUT, the odds of them being drawn the first time were astronomical, imagine the chances of this event occurring again!
  • Do not attach any meaning to the numbers you choose to play. The numbers are inert, the game is just a game, and nothing you can do or postulate will alter the immutable laws of lotto.

By the way, are you looking for a simple, easy-to-use software program that will generate as many sets of random numbers as you want?

The best random-number generation software on the market is produced by winlottosystems.

Click here to instantly download this handy piece of software to quickly and easily produce multiple sets of random numbers from 1 to 1000 selections.

 2. Focus On The Smaller Prizes

Approximately 99.99% of ALL the prizes won in any major lottery in the world are earned by matching only three, four or five of the winning numbers. That's a FACT! Coupled with the fact that (at best) only 1 in 200 games played each week will win a prize - any prize - these two FACTS require a fundamental paradigm shift in your thinking if you want to win at lotto.

But, ... they also present a MASSIVE opportunity!

If you are serious about wanting to win lotto prizes on a consistent basis, then you MUST use a 'system' to combine your chosen selections that is specifically designed to win the smaller prizes, i.e., a 'system' that will combine any three, four or five of your system selections in one game at a minimum.

This is the EXACT strategy used by EVERY successful and consistent lotto winner the world over!

This prize-winning strategy is the key to stuffing your pockets with wads of cash. Together with each of the other two strategies discussed here, you WILL win lotto prizes much more often and remain unbelievably motivated to keep chasing the elusive 'BIG' one.

In other words, if you're not winning a lotto prize (any prize) on a regular basis (I'd say, at least once a month), it's because you are NOT applying this strategy.

Further discussion about this strategy can be found in the BRAND NEW ebook 'Win BIG By Winning Small First'.

3. Join A Syndicate

A syndicate is essentially a group of people who choose to pool their money together to afford an otherwise expensive lotto system.

It is widely reported that close to 25% of all lotto prizes are won by syndicates.

Why? ... because, more dollars equals greater chances of winning.

But more importantly, a syndicate also affords an individual the opportunity to share in a comprehensive lotto system or strategy that is specifically designed to 'trap' the winning numbers, that would otherwise be too expensive for one person.

If you don't know of any syndicates, form one! Work-mates and fellow lotto-playing friends are always good candidates to form a syndicate.

So, to give yourself the BEST chance of winning a lotto prize, you MUST do three things:
  • Pick your 'lucky' numbers any way you like;
  • Use a lotto 'system' that focuses on winning the small prizes; and
  • Form a syndicate of like-minded people to share the costs.
Click this link to learn how to UNLEASH THE LONGEST WIN-STREAK OF YOUR LIFE...

To your never-ending win streak,

Professor Will

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Five Lotto Myths That Hold You Back From Winning

Ever wondered why you don't win at lotto? 

Most probably, ... it's because you don't truly, deeply think that you can ever win the BIG ONE, right?

If this is the case, ... YOU'RE WRONG!!

Your beliefs are blocking your view of the "good life," and it's a sure bet that one (or more?) of the following five myths is holding you back...

MYTH #1: I'm more likely to get hit by lightning than win the lottery!

Like all myths, this one is certain to have been started by people who just lose all the time, and have no clue about the facts.

These are the facts. According to the US National Weather Service, the odds of being struck by lightning in any given YEAR are 1 in 700,000. The odds of winning, let's say, a 6 from 45 lottery is 8.1 million every WEEK. So, that's the equivalent annual odds of 1 in 156,600, and only if you play one game (ticket) per week, which is extremely unlikely.

Or, to put it another way, less than 100 people each year are killed by lightning strikes, whereas, several thousand people worldwide become instant millionaires, and tens of thousands of lotto players win $100,000 or more!

Myth busted!

Reality: You have much greater chance of winning the lottery than being hit by lightning.

MYTH #2: Lottery is a form of taxation!

A simple definition of a "tax" is a compulsory payment to support government services. Everyone must pay their taxes, there is no opting out. Indeed, if someone chooses not to pay their tax, they can be fined or sent to jail.

On the other hand, playing your favourite lottery is 100% voluntary. You can choose to pay to play a lottery, or not.

Perhaps the confusion lies in the fact that many major lotteries dedicate a large portion of their total funds to supporting essential services, such as education (a bit like the rest of our taxes).

Myth busted!

Reality: Lottery is not a tax, it's a genuine chance to win a HUGE cash prize that can set you up for life.

MYTH #3: Lotteries target the poor and low-income groups!

This is just plain dumb. What fiscally-minded organisation would want to focus it's marketing efforts on a group of people who can least afford to purchase their products. It's not happening.

Myth busted!

Reality: Anyone, from any income bracket, can (and do) win the lottery. Even you!

MYTH #4: The majority of lottery tickets are bought by low-income people!

Research consistently shows, that throughout the world the middle class / income groups represent an overwhelming majority of lotto players. For example, a 1997 poll commissioned by the 'Washington Post' found that middle-income Americans were the most likely group to play the lottery and that the wealthiest and poorest were least likely to play.

To summarise, the survey says:
  • 60% of Americans with annual household incomes ranging $25,000 - $45,000 played the lottery at least once a year; while 25% played monthly;
  • Americans earning $45,000 - $65,000 played even more often; and
  • 75% played occasionally, while 1/3 played at least once a month.
Myth busted!

If you want to win the lottery, you have to be in it - regardless of your income.

MYTH #5: Lottery draws are rigged!

Almost without parallel, all legitimate state and national lotteries are part of one of the most highly scrutinized industries in the world. Given the dollars involved, security is afforded the highest priority to the sale of lottery products and the conduct of lottery draws.

Most lotteries are conducted under government or independent supervision, often in 'public.' Furthermore, the machinery used to conduct the draws is frequently swapped with identical-looking devices to maintain the highest possible levels of random selection.

Myth busted!

Lotteries are 100% secure, and involve a totally random selection of winning numbers.

So, does this information INSPIRE YOU JUST A LITTLE?

If these myths have held you back from playing your favourite lottery, then, get back in the saddle! Click this link to learn how to win lotto the easy way.

To your never-ending win streak,

Professor Will

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Revealed: The MOST PROVEN Lotto Winning System In The World...

...with documented, LIVE & PUBLIC results that has rocked the competition for more than 12 years!

This little-known LOTTO SECRET has demonstrated it wins lotto prizes up to TEN times more often than 95% of lotto players, & recoups up to 50% in long-term playing costs too...

Let me get straight to the point...

There is a simple, yet very little-known, 'how-to-win-the-lottery' SECRET WEAPON that I have been using with my weekly lottery for more than 12 years now...

... and it has been pumping my wallet with wads of cash almost every week I play.

I'm not exaggerating when I say:
  • I win a CONSISTENT stream of weekly cash prizes at least 5 X MORE OFTEN than the average lotto player (and up to 10 X more often); and
  • I RECOUP UP TO HALF of my weekly lottery entry costs over the long term (which means it costs me only half as much to play my favourite lottery, and I'm still in with an equal chance to win the Jackpot).
Click this link, and I'm going to tell you the EXACT numbers I'm playing, the systems & strategies I use, what it costs me to play and ... exactly how much I'm winning.

See you on the other side,

Prof Will Foster, MBA

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Lotto System Scams Exposed


I've conducted a 12 year high-stakes "head-to-head" test to uncover the single most profitable way to play the lotto, and I'm now prepatred to declare the WINNER...

...and these results humiliate countless so-called "experts" in its wake.

This report will also teach you how to unleash the longest WIN-streak of your life... when you flip the tables on
bogus win-lotto conventional wisdom... & do the complete opposite instead...

So you make MORE money, have more fun, & effortlessly score the BEST odds possible to strike it RICH while you relax.

This is what's you'll learn:
  • The 3 universal laws of how to win the lottery you must follow to trigger a never-ending roll of luck that brings you prizes almost every week.
  • The secret to playing up to half of your games FREE... to instantly DOUBLE your chances to score the jackpot.
  • How to unlock a treasure trove of cash prizes ripe for the taking most players overlook in their blind-rush to uncover the mega millions.
PLUS... you'll get access to my world-renowned newsletter where I reveal my best lotto winning secrets from more than 35 years in the "lotto playing" trenches.

All you've got to do is click here to unleash your longest ever lotto winning streak. Do it right now...

To your success,

Prof Will Foster, MBA